1/1/11: Started The Daily Give.

In 2011 I am starting a project inspired, and in fact completely designed, by Carlos Garcia who dreamed up Living Philanthropic. Every day I will donate money to a different charity. While Carlos budgeted $5 daily, I am able to do $3 and hope that this will increase later in the year. Realistically I know that my $3 donation will not help an organization in any meaningful way, but my goal is greater than that, both personally and for the charities I choose, as well as philanthropy in general.

On a personal level, as a single mother barely getting bills paid, I have a need within myself to feel like I am contributing to the causes that mean a lot to me, even though at any given time I can rarely sacrifice $20 or $100 for a particular fundraising campaign when I hear about it. But I can tell myself, every two weeks when I receive my paycheck, that $42 of it is already spoken for. It’s one night every two weeks I can’t go out to dinner, an outfit a month I can’t purchase, more creativity with more limited resources in the kitchen, maybe cutting some of our cable features or bring lunch to work instead of grabbing it on the run. But it will go to a greater need than my simplistic, material needs. And at the end of the year I will have contributed more than $1000, proving that there is room for giving in my life instead of feeling like it continues to be taken from me for bills, bills, and more bills.

But on a greater plane than myself, with the internet I have the capability of reaching many others. My $3 may not make much impact, but how many people can I inspire to also give $3? And how many people can they inspire? One person’s $3 donation can easily turn into $1000s and that is my hope here. While I would like to promote lesser-known organizations, I also hope that others are inspired by y efforts just as Carlos Garcia has inspired me. Please join me on this journey. If you know of any worthwhile charities that should be a part of this movement, let me know about them.

I do have rules for the charities that I will give to and promote:

1. The charities have to have solid ratings with Charity Navigator, a  watchdog group that assesses the financial health of nonprofits for potential donors. Groups will have to have three, or preferably four, stars with Charity Navigator to earn a recommendation. This is a little difficult for me to say because at least one of my favorite charities has a very high two star rating, but in order for me to feel like my recommendations are going to the best and strongest advocates, I feel this criterion is necessary.

2. I try not to donate to organizations with a religious foundation, for reasons that are quite solid but that I’d rather not explain here because someone will take it much more personally than it is intended. I am likely to make exceptions for museums, for the sake of preserving cultural history, and I may occasionally make exceptions for social organizations that aid children or the poor, or do disaster relief, particularly if the population they are aiding is generally of the same religion.

3. I will do my best to refrain from politics in this endeavor, but as a passionate liberal American, you will occasionally see groups that are far more left leaning than an organization you will want to support if you don’t agree with my politics. For example, you may see a feature for the four-star The Guttmacher Institute at some point, a research group considered to be liberal that focuses on reproductive and sexual health, but I can promise you today that by the end of 2011 you will have not once seen a recommendation for the also four-star NRA Foundation. If you find my politics offensive or just wrong, feel free to not follow my recommendation, or make your donation for the day to a group that is more reflective of your beliefs. There is no room for petty squabbling here, so please leave it at that.


This was started in 2010 but I failed miserably. Take 2: 20

  1. Build shelving units
  2. Make a moustache hat
  3. Mail cookies at Christmas
  4. Pass PRAXIS
  5. Make my own pasta
  6. Get a tattoo
  7. Make tiropitas
  8. Make a bird cage lamp
  9. Get a palm reading
  10. Volunteer on Thanksgiving
  11. Volunteer on Christmas
  12. Visit a ghost town
  13. Attend a seance
  14. Build a snowman
  15. Take Lily to the National Zoo
  16. Make fortune cookies
  17. Build a sand castle
  18. Hang wallpaper
  19. Sew a dress
  20. Kayak
  21. Attend a murder mystery dinner theatre
  22. Attend a dog show
  23. Donate $3 a day to charity
  24. Take Lily to Carowinds
  25. Start a savings account
  26. Build a turtle pond
  27. Etsy shop
  28. Grow tomatoes
  29. Learn alphabet in ASL
  30. Send Valentine’s cards
  31. Send Christmas cards
  32. Give everyone I love homemade Christmas gifts
  33. Ride in a glass bottom boat
  34. Light a fire in the chimney
  35. Pay increase/promotion
  36. Put my entertainment center back together
  37. Set up a craft room in the garage
  38. Start a bamboo garden
  39. Start a food blog
  40. Start a craft blog
  41. Learn how to make shoes
  42. Fold 1,000 paper cranes and send them to Hiroshima for Peace Day (83/1000)
  43. Participate in the Window Farms Project
  44. Visit Salem, Mass
  45. Get a grill and master it
  46. Become a coupon diva
  47. Make a souffle
  48. Learn to change a tire and remember it this time
  49. Redo my godawful kitchen counter in Legos
  50. See a psychic
  51. Create a podcast
  52. Attend church at least 10 times

I encourage you to start your own 101 in 1001 list; for more information refer to 101 Goals in 1,001 Days website. This was originally started on 01/01/2010 and then abandoned, because 2010 didn’t go according to plan and I was overwhelmed. I head into 2011 with the knowledge that it will be overwhelming and I am plowing ahead anyway but I’m changing my expectations into hopes so that I don’t drop everything with my very first failure. I’m not changing my start and end date because I think it’s still do-able.

Begin: 01/01/2010

End: 09/26/2012

  1. Attend a film festival
  2. Attend a roller derby match
  3. Ride in a hot air balloon
  4. Attend a Murder Mystery
  5. Join a book club
  6. Ride a horse
  7. Write a children’s book
  8. Wreck This Journal
  9. Learn to sew
  10. Knit
  11. Go to a burlesque show
  12. Learn to play poker
  13. Learn origami
  14. Complete a 365 day photo challenge
  15. Design a website
  16. Get published
  17. Learn to ice skate
  18. Sell my photography
  19. Join a choir
  20. Host a holiday cookie exchange
  21. Attend a symphony
  22. Go to a comedy show
  23. Finish master’s degree
  24. Get a treadmill
  25. Swim
  26. Pass PRAXIS
  27. Student teaching
  28. Set up screenprinting in the garage
  29. Reconcile
  30. Home crafting business
  31. Send letters and cards weekly
  32. Start a card list
  33. Visit Elise in Hawaii
  34. Cross-country road trip
  35. Dance lessons
  36. Become a hosting diva
  37. Tame the hair 11/2010
  38. Get a palm reading
  39. Celebrate a holiday every day for a year
  40. Become a Washington Beard
  41. Become a Grill Mastah
  42. Make a turtle pond
  43. Get a chihuahua
  44. Get a hedgehog 12/2010
  45. Bunnies! 3/2010
  46. Monster truck rallies. Many. (1/many) 2/12/2010
  47. Take Lily to NYC
  48. Go to an App State game
  49. Explore a ghost town
  50. Decorate my house
  51. Take Lily to DC at least twice a year (0/5)
  52. Go all out for Christmas
  53. Become a Toil Girl
  54. Set up a dark room
  55. Produce Lily’s webshow
  56. Learn to make tiropitas
  57. Learn Greek
  58. Spend at least one week traveling in Ireland
  59. Carry on basic conversation in French
  60. Create a scavenger hunt for Lily
  61. Create a Chia Pet herb garden
  62. Plan and landscape herb garden
  63. Design blog
  64. Blog at least 3 times per week for a year (0/156)
  65. Send Valentine’s cards beginning in 2010 2/2011
  66. Keep a birthday list and send cards
  67. Send holiday cards beginning in 2011
  68. Send random Amazon gifts to 4 people (0/4)
  69. Send cookies to one person once a month (0/12)
  70. Start a daily gratitude journal
  71. Make candles and soaps
  72. Take Lily to Guatemala
  73. Daily random act of kindness
  74. Tramp stamp
  75. Yoga 3 times per week by June 10, 2011.
  76. Volunteer on Christmas and Thanksgiving in 2011 (0/2)
  77. Pumpkin 2/2010
  78. Learn to say ILY in 52 languages (2/52)
  79. Leave 25 notes in library books (0/25)
  80. Participate in 100 Strangers project
  81. Go on 1 trip per month (2/33)
  82. Vote in all elections
  83. Go scuba diving
  84. Decorate a wedding cake
  85. Raise chickens
  86. Send flowers to 15 people (0/15)
  87. Attend 12 live shows/concerts (2/12)
  88. Jog a mile
  89. Finish finance class 4/2010
  90. 200 sit-ups
  91. 100 push-ups
  92. 200 squats
  93. Create a window farm
  94. Self-portrait every day for a year (0/365)
  95. Identify 15 constellations
  96. Stay at the Chateau Marmont and get some personalized stationary
  97. Visit the Underground Railroad Information Center and cross the Purple People Bridge in Cincinnati
  98. Write 50 haikus (0/50)
  99. Make a 7 layer chocolate cake
  100. Hike the Appalachian Trail
  101. Go whalewatching


Relaxed with Lily this morning without rushing – stayed up late to enjoy more time together

  1. Lily’s spirit
  2. My cute new outfit
  3. Snuggie!
  4. “thank you”
  5. making it through the day

My random acts of kindness over the last almost two weeks have been all about appreciating myself and my daughter. She’s my priority and if I’m overwhelmed, sick, or stressed then I’m not giving her what she deserves. Screw the rest until we get ourselves back on track.

  1. Lily
  2. A day off
  3. Time with my family
  4. clean laundry
  5. New clothes and new shoes for the first time in how long?!!?

Hmmm…I think it’s safe to say that I’m feeling overwhelmed and that 2010 isn’t turning out the way I’d envisioned it so far. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it’s very evident that if I want to accomplish what I’ve outlined for myself this year, I need to change my priorities and reevaluate what I’m doing. Work is not going very well, and rather than let this upset me, I think it’s a good thing. It’s keeping me from getting complacent; rather than stalling out and not making any progress, I’m ready to just move on.

I put an end to busting my ass for no apreciation. From now on it’s 50 hours of work max and no weekends. I’m enjoying all this extra time with Lily. This weekend I took Lily to Monster Jam in Charlotte and then down to Wilmington to visit my dad. We went on a ghost tour and Lily went to three of her favorite restaurants; we did a little more shopping than I could afford. Lily had a blast and it was nice to spend time with her, playing and laughing. There was insane snow on the trip from Charlotte to Wilmington, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much snow in Wilmington. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to make a snowman before the snow melted.  I hope it snows one more time before the end of winter because I MUST make a snowman in 2010!

I’ve been sick with something or another for most of 2010 so far and today was no exception; I missed work but I refused to feel guilty or stressed about it. I enjoyed hanging out with Lily in the house, watching the Cake Boss and Singing Bee marathons, then doing laundry. A boring day for most people I’m sure but it was so, so nice, just being with her for an extra day. I actually haven’t been able to speak for most of the last three days, I must have laryngitis and I’m making it worse because I can’t shut up.

Will be back soon! Working jillions of hours and am exhausted! In the meantime I’m writing it all down so I will update in a couple of days.

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